The Importance of Public Records 

Like other types of records, public records serve as a source of information to the public on the affairs of government or an organization. Through public records, communities will be aware of developmental activities in their states or community. Also, it serves as a tool that ensures transparency and accountability. When records are made public, authorities will ensure that they do what is expected of them. Hence, leading to societal development. Moreover, public records provide an avenue for a proper check and balance within government agencies and departments. Through public records, lapses and areas of weaknesses can be traced and remediated, especially if these weaknesses have resulted in significant problems. 

What is the Importance of Removing People’s Names from Public Records?

In the case of records that contain the names of people, removing people’s names from them will surely protect their integrity and personality. For instance, in a situation where the record contains improper management of resources by the people in question, removing their names will be very beneficial to them.  Similarly, removing people’s names from public records will give chance to members of the public to give a fair judgment to a decision or law as enforced by some people. Therefore, when names are removed from the records, there will be fair judgment and objective criticism. 

On What Basis should People’s Names not be Removed from Public Records?

Names of people or organizations may be left in a public record if it is observed that it has no implications on either the community/ public/ or the people concerned. In this case, the names can be left in the document. However, it should be noted that some names are not only left but are necessary for the validity of the record. Some records require their authors or the people behind their execution or implementation. Therefore, in this case, names should not be removed as they are integral parts of the record.

Who should be Responsible for Remove Name From Public Record?

In every organization, parastatal, company, or agency, there are always the decision-making individuals, usually the directors and or executive secretaries. In a situation where names are not essential or not required, these high-ranking individuals are responsible for emoving names from the records in the interest of the company, people, or the public.

What Happens When a Community Insists on Seeing Names included in Public Records?

There might be some times when it becomes crucial for a community to know the names of people or organizations that carried out a particular task or project; in this case, none of the authorities has the right to deny the public access to the names of the people responsible. Thus, names must be provided no matter the effect it might have because citizens have the right to access public records, and of course, the name that accompanies the records. 

Steps to be Followed in Removing Names from Public Record

As was stated earlier, there are certain people responsible for removing the names of people or organizations from public records. Based on this, some steps need to be taken because the decision is not done arbitrarily. 

The first step is to identify whether such names are very important as being an integral part of the record. If the records require names for wider acceptability, then they must be provided.  

Secondly, it must be discussed among the decision-makers of an organization whether or not to remove a name so that there will be a unanimous decision.  

In a situation where members of the public request the names even after a decision has been made to remove names from a public record, such a request must be considered because the people have the absolute right to access public record as it is without being tempered with.


Having discussed the importance of public records and why names should be removed or not from them, it should be understood that members of the public have the right to access records meant for them and have the right to request for names to appear in public records. Therefore, remove name from public record is not compulsory or legally bound. 

How can people request names that have been removed from a public record?

They can request it through written communication to the body in charge of maintaining the record.

Are public records considered confidential?

All records that are labeled public records are not confidential. Therefore, people have the right to access them.