
For an example we decided to visit the Mozilla Add-ons website. Here is the pre-extension look…lots of blue color and definitely some background images in use.


And here is the same page after installing the extension…there is a very noticeable difference. One click and it looks like a whole new website… Notice that the links are still easily visible though…

Just for fun we tried it out on the website here too. The No Color extension really stripped the navigation and sidebar areas down.


The options are extremely simple to sort out and focus on the method of access that best suits your personal needs.

Choose Your Access Method

Here is the “Status Bar Icon” & the “Toolbar Button” for the No Color extension.

All three access methods shown at the same time…this extension is very easy to integrate into your personal browser UI setup.


If you like having clean gentle looking webpages to browse through, then the No Color extension will definitely make a huge difference in how all of your favorite websites look.


Download the No Color extension (Mozilla Add-ons)