Their story traces all the way back to the 1800s, a youthful Filipino general of the Philippine Revolutionary Army, Gregorio, became hopelessly enamored with a young lady named Remedios or Dolores.

There was disarray in regards to Remedios and Dolores. They are a similar individual. Indeed, even a film has been made with regards to their adoration life. You can track down the film on Netflix, the name of the film is “Goyo: The Boy General.”

Gregorio del Pilar was perhaps the most youthful general in the Revolutionary Army during the Philippine–American War. He was known for the numerous effective attacks on the Spanish encampment in the district of Paombong.

Remedios Nable José’s subtleties on Wikipedia couldn’t be found. Notwithstanding, her darling Gregorio has a memoir composed on their page. is the little girl of Don Mariano Nable José and Doña Paz Borja from Dagupan.

Her family is initially from Wear Mariano was portrayed to be at the highest point of the neighborhood first class and was even essential for the Malolos Congress.

An unmistakable Chinese mestizo finance manager spends significant time in the delivery exchange like most prospering vendors of Dagupan at that point. They had three different kin: Feliciano, Rocio, and Mariano Jr., Their family, could be supposed to be one of the most extravagant in Dagupan.