We had also seen Reliance Jio which was previously available to users of Only Lyf Smartphones. Recently Reliance had launched a preview offer for its JIO Sim and extended its services to many other smartphone manufacturers too. Mukesh Ambani’s Game-changing Reliance Jio had already given tough competition to country’s top operators. However, Reliance Jio SIMs and WiFi-hotspots are really hard to find at Reliance stores due to the huge crowd. Reliance appears to have silently introduced a new JioFi 4G device in the meanwhile. Which was first spotted in twitter when a user named Raghvendra posted the image of the new JioFi 4G device. Now with OLED display, 2600mAh battery and with a Reliance Jio sim, Reliance JioFi 4G wireless hotspot is launched at the price of Rs 1,999 and it was already available in selected cities. The OLED display of the device shows information like WiFi connectivity, SIM card status, Battery status, On/Off Status and more. The new device looks bigger than the previous one that JioFi 2’s and the new device also backed up with 2,600 mAh battery backup compared to JioFi 2’s 2,300 mAh battery. The back panel of the device carries a description of “Designed in India” The device is expected to give the five hours of use on the full charge and it can be connected with up to 10 devices/ There is also a microSD card slot that can handle cards up to 32GB. If we talk about SIM then the “Welcome offer” of free data and calls will be available for devices until December 31.