If you are one of the people who has been looking forward to having a better user name for a Yahoo account, then now is the time to hurry on over to the wish list website and register your preferred selections.

The registration process lets you select up to five user names in order of preference and will be open through August 7. Once you have entered your desired choices, simply add your contact information and you are done. Here is a bit more about how the process works:

From the Yahoo! Tumblr Blog post: To get the Yahoo! username you’ve always wanted, we’ve set up a page where you can request your top five choices. If your first choice isn’t available, we’ll try one of your backups.

In mid-August, you’ll get an email letting you know which of your picks is available, with link to claim it within 48 hours. And just like that, it’s all yours.

You can register your desired choices and learn more about the user name reclamation process by visiting the links below.

Yahoo! Wish List Registration Page

Get Your Yahoo! Username Wish List Ready! [Yahoo! Tumblr Blog]

Reclaiming Yahoo! Usernames In A Way That’s Secure: Require-Recipient-Valid-Since [Yahoo! Developer Network Blog]

[via CNET News and The Next Web]