Regency Furniture Warranty-

Regency furniture is known for making quality furniture products for your home. All products made by Regency have a warranty on them. The length of the warranty depends on the type of product. Regency’s warranty policy is very specific. The warranty period ranges from one year all the way to 10 years. This means that there are different warranty periods for the different types of furniture items produced by Regency.

Most home office furniture Regency produces only comes with a one-year warranty. While items like control mechanisms, cylinders for gas, and upholstery have a two-year warranty on them. The five-year warranty period is applied to other accessories such as the wooden or metal frames of chairs, and the bases of chairs. A ten-year warranty is only applicable to wooden case goods, carts, and metal shelving units.

How to get the warranty?: Regency Furniture Warranty

When buying anything from Regency the product already has a warranty attached to it. The warranty only applies if there is a single or even multiple defects on the product. In such a situation the first thing a customer should do is to reach out to the distributor who sold the product to them. Once contacted, the distributor will compile the necessary product information. That information will consist of details such as product number and name, type of defect, and the date on which it was originally sold.

In addition to all that, they will also gather information on the conditions under which the product is being used. Their report will also include the defective part of the product. All information gathered by the distributor will then be forwarded to Regency’s customer service center with evidence of the purchase. The customer service department will then decide based on the information given if you will receive a replacement product under warranty at no cost to you. 

Successful warranty claim- 

If your product is still under warranty and qualifies to be replaced, the distributor will facilitate the return of the defective item to the manufacturer. When Regency receives a product that has a defect, then they will ship the replacement product to the distributor.

Should you or the distributor not be able to provide the required information or fail to return the defective item to the manufacturer, your warranty request will not be considered. 

Exceptions to the warranty- 

There are some reasons why a warranty will be rendered null in void. Below is a list of instances wherein the warranty will no longer be applicable:

Wear and tear over time, if a product shows signs of wear and tear while under your ownership for an extended period, you can’t request a warranty on it. If the damage on the item was caused by the shipping company or courier, a warranty also doesn’t apply for damage that is caused by failure to properly put the product together. Customer negligence, if a product shows signs of defectiveness because the customer has not maintained it properly, it will not be eligible for the warranty. Items that have been changed, have parts that are missing, or have been put together in a way that didn’t follow the instructions outlined by the manufacturer.

All Regency furniture warranties are valid only in the United States.

Purpose of a warranty- 

Regency offers its customers a warranty on their furniture purchases because they know that sometimes mistakes can happen. A warranty I placed on furniture items produced by Regency to ensure that should a furniture item purchased be defective, the customer can either get a replacement piece of furniture identical to the defective one.

Not all furniture items purchased from Regency have the same warranty period. It is therefore the customer’s responsibility to locate the document that stipulates the period of warranty when making a purchase and to keep that document safe. Because it will serve as evidence that the furniture you purchased qualifies for a warranty should it be defective.


The warranty policy of Regency is set up to protect both the interests of the customers and that of the company. The different furniture products they offer fall under different windows of warrant eligibility. There is an inspection that is followed before a warranty claim is either approved or denied. This is to ensure the validity of all warranty claims.

Is my furniture warranty limitless? 

No, some furniture may be under warranty for 10 years, but there is no lifetime warranty on furniture products purchased from Regency Inc.

Is my warranty guaranteed?

If the furniture you purchased has a defect from the manufacturer, and you did nothing to cause the furniture to be defective then yes, after your warranty claims process is completed successfully your warranty will be guaranteed.