The price of Reese’s Popcorn

The Calories of Reese’s Popcorn

As one could guess, popcorn drizzled with Reese’s candy might have a lot of calories in them. The main website says that there are only 140 calories per serving but the serving size itself is unknown and it might be a wise decision to guess that the serving size is quite low. The serving size is 28 grams and if you make the decision to eat the whole bag and want to know how many calories are in that bag, the calories add up to almost and even more than 2000 calories. 2000 calories are a whole day’s worth of calories for the average-sized person and the amount of sugar and fat in the bag does shock people.

There are 19 grams of Carbs and 7 grams of fat in only a serving size of 28 grams. The total amount attached to 28 grams serving size is 11 grams of sugar, which is unfathomable. The serving size also has 2 grams of protein in it, which is a really low number, and is not recommended to consume Reese’s popcorn to make up for the amount of protein a person needs a day, as one would guess as a suggestion.

The Reviews for Reese’s Popcorn

However, other fans of Reese’s candy seem to think that Reese’s flavor is not all there, and the fact that some popcorn has a lot of coating, and some have none does destroy the taste of the overall experience for them. Some reviews think that Reese’s name should not be attached to this product as it does not give the same quality taste as normal Reese’s candy. 

If we want to look at the overall number of reviews, a lot of people seem to think that for people who are itching for a snack that is sweet and also salty at the same time does outweigh all the other reviews about the product only being okay. It is also good to point out that there are no 2-star or 1-star reviews on amazon and the overall customer reviews put the snack at 4.9 out of 5 stars with 69 global ratings.


The Reese’s candy has been around for almost a century and everyone, from children to older adults, enjoys the nostalgic and never-changing taste of the candies. With new marketing techniques and how companies are broadening their horizon each day, the new Reese’s Drizzled Popcorn series has a lot of people left satisfied with their purchase. 

While some reviews think that Reese’s name does not accommodate for the taste like the good old candy we all know and love, these reviews are outweighed by the staggering number of reviews that seem to love the new popcorn and its flavor which is salty while being sugary at the same time. 

With prices going as low as $7 in stores such as Walmart, it is at least a good recommendation that one should give this candy popcorn a chance and see if they like it for themselves.

Can I return the packages I’ve bought? 

We cannot speak for every establishment that sells Reese’s Drizzled Popcorn but for Walmart, if you have not opened the package or you’ve opened it and found it unconsumable or inedible for one reason or another, you can get a free 30-day return option if your reasons are valid.

Is this a healthy snack?

While normal popcorn is close to the top of the list of healthiest snacks compared to the others, Reese’s Drizzled Popcorn is a snack that you should treat to yourself once in a while. The nutritional chart is quite surprising and with its high sugar and calorie count for every serving, it is impossible to act like this can be counted as a healthy snack. It is most certainly not.