This blog is especially for those who rent movies or games frequently from Redbox. And they want to return their movies or games to Redbox because of some damage or other issues.

Redbox Procedure

You can either get a disc from the Redbox outlet or you can also book the disc online. However, if you are booking online, you still have to go to their outlet to collect that particular disc. So now it would be clear that you have to visit the Redbox outlet if you want to become their customer. Your presence is a must. However, you can choose the outlet location which is nearest to your home.

Moreover, keep this thing in mind that Redbox company has very strict return policies. Your disc will not be accepted if you are going against their return policies.

Return Policy Rules

Customers get the games or movies from Redbox for a one-day rent period. You must have to return the rented disc at or before 9 pm the next day. You will be charged for another day’s rent if you are unable to return the disc before 9 pm the next day. Additional tax, on the other hand, will be imposed. The meter of charges and taxes will keep on moving until and unless you don’t return the disc to Redbox. In some cases, you become the owner of your disc as well. Each disc has a maximum rental period. If you are holding that particular disc till its maximum rental period then you have to pay its maximum rental charges. After that, you’ll be handed ownership of the disc. Now let’s discuss the maximum rental time of each disc. The maximum rental time of games is 23 days. While movies have a 17-day maximum hold time. The charge for the DVD is $29. 75 if you are holding it till its maximum time. Please be aware that taxes will also apply in this scenario. The charge for a Blu-rays disc is $34 if you are holding it till its maximum time. And don’t forget the taxes here as well. If we talk about the charges for video games disc, it will cost you $69 plus tax if you are holding it till its maximum period. If you have already purchased a disc from Redbox, then that particular disc will not be returned. Once you have bought a disc from them, it’s your property then.

What happens if you misplace your Redbox Disc?

If you have taken any disc from Redbox on rent then try not to misplace it. Place it near to you or give it to your family member who can keep it with him or her. Because once the disc will be misplaced then you will have to face some charges.

The lost charge for a disc is $50. It will cost you money because it will educate you on how to be more responsible. And next time you won’t misplace anything.

Tips to Return Redbox Rented Items

You must search for an outlet which is nearest to you. You can then easily return your disc to that particular outlet that comes at your route. It is not compulsory to just return the disc from the outlet you have first taken the disc. You have the option of returning the disc to any outlet that is more convenient for you. Do not worry if you have borrowed the disc from your friend’s neared outlet. Just return the disc to your nearest point. If you don’t, you’ll be charged for one extra day of rental. Furthermore, you will be imposed with taxes as well. In case of any damaged disc, you will be charged some amount from Redbox. Don’t be concerned, though. It will not exceed the maximum amount of holding charges. However, if coincidently you have taken a disc on rent which already has some defect then you have to call their customer support. If you will not inform them then it will be considered that a defect has occurred during your rental tenure.


In this blog, we have mentioned almost all the information which is frequently asked by the customers of Redbox. All this information will surely help you if you are going to return your games or movies to Redbox.

Hence, we would be waiting for your feedback on this content. You can ask any question in the comments area if you believe we have missed something.

What is the minimum time limit for renting a disc?

Answer: You can rent a particular disc for a 1-day minimum period. As a result, you must return the disc by 9 p.m. the next day.

What is the maximum time limit for renting a disc?

The maximum time limit for renting a game is 23 days. While the maximum time limit for renting a movie is 17 days. Keep this thing in your mind that taxes may apply if you are delaying in returning the disc.

What happens if I lost or misplace any disc?

Answer: In case of loss or misplacement of any disc, you have to pay some charges to Redbox for their recovery.