However, In a new Xbox interview, Inafune and Armature Studio’s game director, Mark Pacini offer new insight on the characters and the world of ReCore.

The interview reveals that the protagonist of the game is named Jewel and her companion is Mack.

Jewel is in a world with few humans and is all alone. She finds Mack at the beginning of the game and they start a lasting friendship.

In ReCore you will have to navigate through a desert wasteland after a sandstorm hits. Inafune stated that the sandstorm will affect navigation and gameplay. Throughout the game, players will also meet other companions aside from Mack. Players will also encounter a wide variety of enemies as well.

The main theme of the game is Jewel’s survival.

Pacini adds, “The relationship between the friendly robots in the game and the enemy robots in the game, they get more volatile and deadlier as you go underground and find these areas. That’s where all the good stuff is, and that’s what you’re trying to explore.”

Gamplay and Cores

Much of the gameplay of ReCore revolves around cores, which are a robot’s consciousness, and the ability to transfer cores from one robot body to another as seen in the trailer when Mack sacrifices himself to save Jewel.

Pacini also explained that players will be collecting cores from robots, and it is up to the player what they would like to do with it, whether they want to put it in another robot character or use it to upgrade other cores.

Certainly we can expect more news on ReCore in the coming months, but what are your thoughts so far? Let us know in the comments.