“I’m honored to collaborate with Béhar,” says Friberg, “contributing my curatorial vision to fused space by continuing CULT’s direction of giving voice or amplifying artists whose work addresses social context while implementing or responding to traditions and fundamentals of design practice. As a discipline, design has a tremendous influence on our social structures.  Our alliance fosters the continued exploration of the power of art and design to shape social change.”

The artists included in the show follow Patricia Fernandez, Masako Miki, Rashaad Newsome, Eamon Ore-Giron and Curtis Talwst Santiago. This small grouping of mixed media, fine art, and sculpture artists who all utilize traditions in craft and design to explore personal ancestry and cultural mythology. Housed within Behar’s fuseproject design firm, Friberg will bring socially-minded contemporary art into this nexus to examine and forward the interconnectedness of these two creative disciplines. 

// Photography of the art courtesy of Cult Aimee Friberg Exhibitions. Feature photo of artwork by Masako Miki, 如意自在 Nyoijizai (animated back- scratcher), 2018, Wool on Foam. January 13 – March 27. Opening Reception: Monday, January 13, 6-8 PM, 1401 16th Street, Mission, cultexhibitions.com

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