In a video transferred to TikTok on Tuesday, Dark reviewed when she acknowledged a proposal from a “far off” comparative with get the keys to a little Mexican city — and the open door ended up being a tricky support of disputable then-official competitor Enrique Peña Nieto, who was subsequently chosen into office.

“One thing about me is my mother [Georgina Marquez Kelly] is a Mexican settler, and when I was 14 years of age she got caught up with by a far off family relative who told her there was a Rebecca Dark group of followers in this unassuming community in Mexico, and they likewise needed to give me the keys to the city,” said Dark, 25, in the video, soundtracked by Nicki Minaj’s “Very Freaky Young lady.”

She said they immediately acknowledged the deal and set out on a plane to Mexico, where they made an appearance to a meet-and-welcome — rumor has it. “They take us to some big extravagant house, and afterward they usher us into a room brimming with men in suits. I meet them all,” reviewed Dark, who said she was then taken into one more space with “an audience of around 20 individuals” wearing matching shirts.

“They sit me and my mother before the step-and-rehash with a table and receivers. It sort of seems to be a public interview, and my mother is close to me going about as my interpreter,” she proceeded. “Individuals in the group begin asking me inquiries, similar to, ‘How would you like Mexico?’ and ‘What is your opinion about casting a ballot rights?’ and ‘What is your opinion about the official up-and-comer of Mexico?’ at that point.”

In spite of being ignorant about Mexico’s political scene at that point, Dark responded to the inquiries in apprehension about getting additionally disparaged on the web following the kickback she got at age 13 for the viral melody “Friday.”

“In this way, I’m like, ‘Better believe it, amazing. He’s perfect. Casting a ballot’s perfect. I’m certain it’ll be in every way extraordinary,’ not exactly knowing what I’m talking about,” she said. Subsequent to loading up a return trip to the US with her mom, Dark acknowledged she never got the keys to the city. “I’m looking on Twitter before the flight takes off, and I begin seeing titles about me and how I have supported the official competitor of Mexico at that point,” she said.

“And afterward I understand that my whole family was simply defrauded by this far off family member who worked for his official mission into supporting the official applicant of Mexico at that point. What’s more, the world figures I’ve done it as a 14-year-old when I’ve never known about this man in my life,” closed Dark’s TikTok video.

At that point, Nieto won the political decision and filled in as Mexico’s 64th president from December 2012 to November 2018.

During his time in office, Nieto confronted analysis for a progression of bombed strategies, procured low endorsement evaluations and was blamed for copying his regulation theory.

In August, the Mexican Principal legal officer’s Office sent off examinations against Nieto after he was blamed by the country’s enemy of tax evasion organization of taking care of millions of possibly unlawful dollars, per The Autonomous.

Since Dark’s underlying flood of web popularity — and apparently misguided vocation choices — she’s procured a good outcome as a YouTuber and delivered an acclaimed EP, 2021’s Rebecca Dark Was Here, as well as a remix of “Friday” highlighting 3OH!3, Big Freedia and Dorian Electra in festival of the curiosity hit’s tenth commemoration.