As with any BR style game, you need to strategically pick your landing zone to maximize your loot and minimize danger when you land. If you’re just getting started, we’ve got you covered with some of the best loot locations to land at in Realm Royale!

 Landing near a chest immediately is crucial to surviving the match!

Best Realm Royale Landing Spots

The map is separated out into the Badlands, Everfrost, Greenscape, Sanctuary and Tropics sections, and each have some killer spots if you know where to look.

The outer edges of the map will get covered in fog quickly, but there’s a twist here – the fog rolls in a random direction in each match instead of just going towards the center every time, so you need multiple landing spots picked out ahead of time.

Here are all the best Realm Royale loot locations and landing spots at the moment:

Southwest Of Lost Forge

Area: Tropics

Between Lost Forge and Autumn Fields at the bottom of map grid C6 is a small collection of buildings that aren’t usually heavily traveled. You can grab a ton of great gear here and then either hoof it east to Autumn Fields or west to Lost Forge for the forges to start crafting legendary gear. If the zeppelin and fog allow it, this is my personal favorite spot to land.


Area: Greenscape

One of the best spots overall to land is the southeast edge of Lumberfall, near the middle of the map at the top of grid D5. The middle of the wood walkway here almost always has a chest for grabbing a weapon as soon as you land, and the buildings at either end of the walkway typically have chests as well, so you can be well equipped immediately.

This area tends to be heavily populated though, so if you don’t get the chest first, prepare to run for your life. Since its so centrally located, you don’t usually have to worry about outrunning the fog right away.

Gun Town Outskirts

Area: Badlands

You are near the border of the map here, so you usually can’t stay in this location too long unless you luck out with the fog direction. If you land on the outskirts of Gun Town it isn’t hard to find chests in all the buildings and then wait for other people to pop into view.

Jade Gardens

Area: Greenscape

This is a high traffic, high reward type area. Typically plenty of other people will land here, but there’s lots of buildings for cover. If you land just off to the side of the forge, you can typically grab a chest in one of the buildings very quickly and then dodge inside to stay out of the line of fire and wait for everyone else to kill each other. When someone else goes for the forge, head in and take them out!


Area: Everfrost

Landing at the southern edge of the frozen lake near the forge virtually guarantees an easy chest, and once the smoke clears from killing any other players you can immediately forge your legendary item – just be prepared to run quickly if the fog is moving southwest!

Underpass / West Of Underpass

Area: Everfrost/Greenscape Border

If you land on the right hand side of the mountain, a chest is found directly inside the tunnel, so you can be armed quickly and then run inside the cave to find cover and use a forge.

If you exit out the left side of the mountain, a bunch of buildings can also be found on the border to Greenscape. This can actually be a better landing spot than Underpass itself, since people tend to make a beeline for the chest in the tunnel. By hitting these buildings first you can let other players take each other out and then head into Underpass to mop up.

 All the best Realm Royale landing spots circled in red!

What’s your favorite Realm Royale landing location? Let us know your strategy in the comments below!

Still getting up to speed on this version of the Battle Royale genre? Check out our other  a Realm Royale guides here:

7 Best Weapons In Realm Royale Best Builds For Duos Realm Royale Beginner’s Guide: Becoming A Battle Royale Ninja