He wrote down this message on his confirmed virtual entertainment handle on the famous web-based entertainment stage, Facebook.


The post peruses;”Individual Nigerians, as our dear nation marks her 62nd Autonomy commemoration, I bring you friendly good tidings.

Indeed, even as we stay grateful, devout and confident about a more promising time to come; we are careful that numerous Nigerians are surrendered, disappointed and burnt out on the numerous long periods of initiative disappointment. Large numbers of our comrades stay in bondage held by outlaws; millions are residing in IDP camps as their homes are currently important for ungoverned spaces. Numerous Nigerian youngsters hit the sack hungry.


Peter Obi (@peterobigregory)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

Such individuals can scarcely comprehend the idea of freedom and opportunity; not to mention a legitimate reason for festivity. At 62, instead of praise our positive energy, nationhood, solidarity, strength and variety, Nigerians keep on wrestling with the difficulties of terrible administration,

packed with uncertainty, demolishing economy, debasement, and different types of maltreatment of public workplaces and all habits of exemption.

Peruse Peter Obi’s Freedom Day Message To Nigerians

Each new day in Nigeria, rather than proclaiming progress and improvement, our public populace, currently debilitated by neediness and difficulty, are additionally troubled by new types of troublesome difficulties that are hostile to the cultural prosperity.

The index of our public discomfort are army, and reach from discontinuous breakdown of our public power framework; our colleges staying shut for a very long time; taking off expansion rate, outrageous destitution; frailty and instinctive savagery bringing about thoughtless blood draining. Our public abundance, both money and oil are supposedly taken every day with liberated exemption. Nigeria drains artistically and metaphorically.

These struggles are neither proportions of public significance or great administration. Rather, they address general public interest worries that should provide us opportunity to stop and think. They are sobering real factors that should set off a profound reconsider of our political and authority direction in the long stretches of time to come. As a country and individuals, we can’t lose trust or surrender.

Immovable as our concerns are, they are not impossible. We can undoubtedly defeat them when there is a deliberate and extraordinary authority in place;one that won’t rationalizes and won’t be unconcerned with law and order, value and equity. Nigeria holds out any expectation of unbound turn of events, development, significance and to be sure, dreams of limitless potential outcomes. Yet, we should immediately jump all over the opportunity.

We should save and turn our nation around. It is our test and our obligation. We, accordingly, can’t disregard the present stunning clarion call for change.

Today, Nigeria is on the cusp of her public redefinition and resurrection. We are likewise just before original general races; a basic crossroads of trust blended in with reasonable fear. However I’m persuaded that our aggregate public destiny and our confidence in All-powerful God, will lead us to a discretionary authenticity in 2023 that will reaffirm that sway in our Republic has a place with individuals; and that we can on the whole attendant in a new and useful Nigeria. Nigeria’s morning has come.

This is the ideal opportunity for Nigerians to safeguard their country from the grasp of disappointment, knavery and defilement that have held it down for a really long time. That is the genuine autonomy Nigeria needs.

We really want autonomy from financial brigandage, ancestral and strict disunity, destitution and ineffectiveness. We really want autonomy that will free Nigerian adolescents. Our dear nation, Nigeria, isn’t deprived of good administration thoughts and plans. Neither are we deprived of the expected human resources.

Nonetheless, the predominant blend of institutional shortcomings and absence of political will keep on meaning techniques, modalities and perpetually unfortunate arrangement, activities, and administration execution results.

Allow me again to emphasize that the Obi-Datti organization addresses the best Expectation, and Commitment for a unified, secure and useful Nigeria, where our residents can coincide in our rich variety as one blissful and tranquil family.

We deal to Nigerians a groundbreaking initiative that is instilled with skill, limit, believability and responsibility. Our commitment, with regards to the established command of liability to safeguard,

is to give affirmations that our organization will guarantee that Nigerians are completely safeguarded in their residences: and that their lives, properties and method for job will constantly be secure.


Peter Obi (@peterobigregory)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi

In looking to serve Nigeria, Congressperson Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed and I, stand firm on our determination to push the country ahead, from utilization to creation, and from a sharing equation to a roust creation recipe.

We are focused on retooling administration and offering a protected and joined Nigeria; a creation focused development for food security and commodity; successful legitimate and institutional changes (law and order, defilement and government viability); the jumping of Nigeria from oil reliance to the Fourth Modern Unrest (4IR); extending physical framework through market-driven changes (releasing development empowering business and market-making advancements); inciting human resources improvement that enables seriousness and orientation balance; and a vigorous Afrocentric international strategy that reestablishes Nigeria’s essential significance at the two-sided, multilateral and worldwide levels.

With these responsibilities, we are persuaded that we can construct the New Nigeria of our fantasies. Individual Nigerians, let us reclaim our country from the people who have idealized State Catch and fabricate a superior society for us as well as our kids. God favor you and God favor the Government Republic of Nigeria.