We’re picking some of the more meaningful reactions to today’s news. It’s important to remember that Jobs isn’t gone from Apple, he’s Chairman Jobs now.

Bloomberg reports that Steve Jobs will stay on the board of Disney.

The WSJ reports (they have a nice Jobs quotes as well):

Bloomberg, however, just reported that Jobs had been weak and housebound for several weeks but worked and attended today’s board meeting…

The iPhone Dev Team says “they loved the chase” referring to the ‘Cat and Mouse’ Statement Jobs made on jailbreakers a few years ago. IT is signed from jailbreakers and tinkerers everywhere. Obviously Woz and Jobs got their start this way.

Daring Fireball puts Apple, Inc into perspective as Steve Jobs’ greatest creation.

Woz (talking to Bloomberg): “Jobs once told him that it was his life’s plan to bring technology to the world.” He also said the iPhone was Apple and Jobs’ greatest creation.

Jobs’s greatest creation isn’t any Apple product. It is Apple itself.

Harry McCracken:

Om Malik:

For a great background story on Tim Cook, not much is better than his Auburn commencement speech

Gizmodo: Why Steve Jobs picked the perfect time to resign

If you have or have seen something interesting to add, please do, below.

  • China Mobile had secret iPhone meetings with Steve Jobs (9to5mac.com)