It is one of the most trusted mattress-producing and selling units in the western United States. It also has a large community of customers on online shopping platforms and online home furnishing websites. It is known in many places for its quality product and durability of the products. At present, the parent company of RC Willey is Mormons Corporation. The company has simplified returning the mattress for all its customers.

RC Willey Mattress Return Policy

The company has framed its return policy which consists of the rules as well as the terms and conditions that must be followed by the customers who are willing to return the product bought from the RC Willey mattress company. The return policy specifies various aspects of the return parcel including the time of returning the product, returning the product because of the degraded quality, or other manufacturing problems, package orders, cashback after return, etc. These rules and conditions apply to both domestic as well as international buyers.

The customers who are willing to return the products must do it within a reasonable time. The company offers 45 days for returning the mattresses. This condition applied to all online as well as in-store purchasers. Moreover, domestic and international customers are also liable to follow this condition.

The company does not free trial period to the customers. Although, they can use the RC Willey mattresses for seven to ten days by paying 10% of the total cost of that product. If the customers are not satisfied with the quality or efficiency of the mattress they can return it after the paid trial period.

The company can deny the return request of the customers if the mattresses are damaged or burnt or the quality of the foam is degraded due to the carelessness of the customer or because of any other natural circumstance.

Conditions of returning the RC Willey Mattresses

The company has specified a few conditions or reasons for returning the mattresses. If the customer wants to return a product that does not fulfill the required criteria then he can not claim protection under the return policy of the company.

• The customers cannot return or exchange the mattresses purchased from the RC Willey company with the mattresses of the same company if it is been used for five or more years.

• The customers can not exchange or return the products bought from any company other than RC Willey. Therefore the products manufactured and sold by any retail or online store of the company are protected in the company’s Return Policy.

• The customized products are not likely to get returned or exchanged according to the Return Policy of RC Willey mattress company. Moreover, the customized mattress can only be returned if it is damaged on delivery, or if the material used by the manufacturers is different from the one asked by the customer.

• The customers cannot return their products if the date of purchase and the date of return is of difference by more than forty-five days. Both the domestic and international buyers are liable to return the product within forty-five days. Otherwise, the company can deny the return request and the return parcel of the customers.

Cashback after acceptance of return order of the customers

• The customers can ask for cashback in any preferable mode or money transaction after the return parcel of the customers has been accepted by the company.

• All the customers have two choices after the return parcel of the customers is accepted. They can either ask for the exchange mattress or cashback.

• The customers can get 100% cashback if they return the mattress within one week from the date of purchase. Moreover, the customers get 90% cashback on returning the parcel within fifteen days.
