Bloomberg points at an RBC Daily story which claims that Apple could begin selling iPhone 5 in Russia this November, “almost immediately” after sales begin in the US. The Russian newspaper’s story is sourced from unnamed handset retailers. Bloomberg notes:

So, the Russians likely won’t be getting their hands on iPhone 5 the same day as their American counterparts. On a brighter note, it took the country three months last time to get iPhone 4 so this would be an improvement (Hope Russian President gets his iPhone unlocked this time) It is interesting that Apple is allegedly prepping to open its first Russian store inside the trade gallery of the reconstructed Hotel Moskva, near Kremlin, in late 2011.

A coincidence?

  • RBC Daily: iPhone 5 could start selling in Russia in November (
  • Guardian: iPhone 5 “transported to carriers for testing” (
  • This is what 4.7-inch iPhone 5 would measure up against 3.5-inch iPhone 4 (
  • White iPhone 5 knock-off from China caught on tape (