How Did Raymond Kotomski Die? Raymond wedded Teresa Kotomski back in 2004, and their marriage was at first blissful. Being divorced people, the couple settled down in their Pierpont, Ohio, home and anticipated a superior future. Nonetheless, a few years after the fact, Teresa lost her 21-year-old little girl to a fender bender and hence acquired care of her grandchildren. Her marriage likewise started going downhill around that time, and the show referenced how Raymond fostered a drinking issue.

In this way, Teresa moved out with her grandchildren and wouldn’t live with her better half, despite the fact that they kept an amicable relationship. It just so happens, Teresa sent her mom to beware of Raymond on August 13, 2009, subsequent to being not able to contact him via telephone. Teresa’s mom viewed Raymond as lethargic yet alive and quickly reached Teresa, who called 911. Teresa rode with her better half in the rescue vehicle and ,surprisingly, uncovered how Raymond had confessed to taking something sweet.

Sadly, when Raymond was conceded to the emergency clinic, his organs were at that point closing down. Specialists made an honest effort and even had him moved to a superior office, yet Raymond surrendered to his ailment. A post-mortem later resolved the reason for death to be ethylene glycol harming, and the police trusted it to be a manslaughter as the part is most normal in liquid catalyst.

Who Killed Raymond Kotomski? The underlying examination concerning Raymond’s demise demonstrated very testing because of an absence of leads. Nonetheless, when the examination decided ethylene glycol in his framework, the police realized they needed to sort out how the liquid catalyst got into the casualty’s framework. Curiously, none of Raymond’s relatives needed to get him off life support whenever they got the opportunity, however Teresa was the one in particular who demanded and made it happen. Additionally, in spite of the fact that she seemed upset by her significant other’s passing, she asserted that Raymond had educated her regarding how he took something sweet. Teresa likewise demanded the case being one of death by self destruction, a hypothesis Raymond’s family totally disproved.

The show referenced how Raymond’s family speculated Teresa all along and would rather avoid her choice to take Raymond off life-support. Notwithstanding, when officials needed to look through the casualty’s home, Teresa permitted them full access and police tracked down a container of liquid catalyst in the foundation. The jug didn’t have Raymond’s fingerprints on it – indicating a potential crime – however with no proof against anybody, the police couldn’t make a capture.

Ultimately, Raymond’s demise assisted Teresa with getting around $200,000 from his bequest, which permitted her to purchase another home. She even got a live-in beau and started having a cheerful existence. When the police restarted their examination in 2012, they met Teresa and illuminated her that they were regarding Raymond’s demise as a murder. This made Teresa clip up, and she wouldn’t address any inquiry without an attorney. Thinking of her as quiet dubious, the police started equipping themselves with conditional proof, including Teresa’s hunt history and witness proclamations. If all else fails, specialists even exposed Teresa to a polygraph test which she fizzled. Hence, Teresa was captured and accused of homicide in 2014.

Where Could Teresa Kotomski Now be? When placed being investigated, Teresa demanded her blamelessness and argued not liable. Be that as it may, the appointed authority would not favor her and on second thought indicted her for homicide. In this manner, Teresa Kotomski was condemned to 15 years to life in 2015. Indeed, even today, Teresa demands that she didn’t kill her significant other and accepts that he died of untreated diabetes. Be that as it may, her contention hasn’t yet been acknowledged as she remains imprisoned at the Dayton Correctional Institute in Montgomery County, Ohio, and will be qualified for parole in 2030.