The police reacted to the scene right away. After showing up, they found that his significant other, Janet Abaroa, was not shot yet cut on various occasions.

Janet’s examination additionally showed she was pregnant with two or three’s second kid at that point. Their first child, Kaiden, was just a half year old when she died.

Normally, every one of the fingers in a split second pointed towards her better half Raven.

Nonetheless, there was no substantial proof to demonstrate Raven at fault for her homicide. Likewise, he had a strong justification that showed he was playing a round of soccer with his companions when the homicide evidently occurred.

He figured out how to sidestep the police for around five years before he was at last captured and sentenced in 2010, according to TheCinemaholic.

Raven Abaroa met and sealed the deal with his new spouse Vanessa Pond in the five years he sidestepped his capture based on his plausible excuse.

He moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, with his child Kaiden. He enlisted his child in a childcare community where he met Vanessa, a single parent whose girl likewise went to a similar childcare.

Vanessa and Abaroa began hanging out and fell head over heels. She knew that he was a widow and his first spouse was killed.

Janet’s sister likewise called her and educated her regarding Abaroa’s conceivable association corresponding to her homicide. However, he figured out how to persuade Vanessa regarding his honesty and the two at last got hitched in 2008.

Nonetheless, Abaroa’s conduct changed in a matter of seconds into the marriage. Lake uncovered he turned oppressive towards her and the couple separated from four months after the marriage.

Raven Abaroa was let out of jail in 2017 subsequent to carrying out a punishment of a little under eight years, detailed Distractify.

It is accepted he got back to Utah upon his delivered. His child, Kaiden lives with his grandparents Karyn Abaroa-Bolton and Jim Bolton.

The police connected Abaroa’s contribution in Janet’s homicide after they observed her contact focal points missing from the case.

Janet’s sister revealed that she generally eliminated her focal points before she hit the sack. In any case, Abaroa had informed police that she was sleeping sitting in front of the TV when he last saw her.

— Generation Why Pod (@genwhypod) November 11, 2018

Subsequently, the police uncovered her body, finding she was covered with her contact focal points at that point. The police likewise tracked down different escape clauses in Abaroa’s story.

For example, he told the police Janet was blue and her eyes were open when he tracked down her however he let his companion know that she was alive when he returned home that evening.

After a great deal of examination, Abaroa was captured in 2010. He recorded a request for deliberate homicide in 2014 and was condemned to jail for 95-123 months.