The rating lists Nintendo of Korea as the applicant and assigns Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition a 12+ rating. That’s pretty much expected and is in line with the ratings for both the original Wii release and the New 3DS port.

That’s not really important, though. What really matters is that getting assigned a rating typically only happens when a game is close to release. For example, Final Fantasy 7 Remake received its ESRB rating in December 2019, ahead of a March release date (prior to being delayed). And as we’ve said numerous times before, international ratings are reliable indicators of upcoming titles and announcements.

Between this, a BioShock: The Collection Switch port rating, and ratings for Catherine: Full Body and XCOM 2 Collection on Switch, it looks like we’re in for quite a few official announcements for the Nintendo Switch. Whether we’ll be seeing those before PAX East or sometime in a March Direct is another matter.

Even if the Definitive Edition doesn’t change all that much, Xenoblade Chronicles is still one of the best modern RPGs around. If nothing else, we’re looking forward to the chance of seeing this epic tale play out with non-nightmare-inducing character models.

You can see the rating page on the South Korean Game Rating Administration Committee webpage. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Xenoblade Chronicles news as it develops.