Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart follows Ratchet and his robo-pal Clank on a journey through the dimensions to stop the evil Dr. Nefarious and his plans to rule the omniverse. Insomniac calls Rift Apart an ideal entry point for series newcomers, though the duo will re-visit warped versions of famous locales with nods to past Ratchet games.

Along the way, they’ll also encounter another Lombax, and while Insomniac didn’t offer her name yet, they did say “you’ll be feeling rosy soon.”

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart comes in two versions for now, the standard and deluxe. The digital and physical standard editions cost $69.99. 

Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart digital deluxe edition will cost $79.99 and include:

Five armor sets 20 Raritanium Stickers for photo mode Digital soundtrack Digital artbook

All pre-orders include two special items, the Carbonox armor from Going Commando and the Pixelizer blaster from the 2016 Ratchet and Clank reboot. They unlock automatically for digital pre orders, while physical pre orders include a voucher for downloading the items. Insomniac recommends confirming with retailers whether they’re offering the pre order bonus, however. 

Stay tuned for more on Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart in the coming months, including our review of the game later this summer. 

[Source: PlayStation Blog]

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