The announcement trailer shows a beautiful world full of bizarre, yet slightly familiar creatures. It’d be easy to say this is Fe meets Breath of the Wild, but it looks like the player character won’t be wandering this vast and strange world alone, as the trailer reveals a horde of humans exploring together.

If there’s anything to be gleaned from their hunched stances and concerned faces it’s that they seem to be apprehensive about everything roaming the reaches of this brave new world. 

Though we’d love to know more, Rare didn’t elaborate much in its accompanying written announcement. The company said:

Is it a co-op game? An open-world adventure? Do we progress from wide-eyed wonderer to lording over creation and feasting on the carcasses of the world’s eccentric beasts? The current answer is: we don’t know. 

Everwild will give you memorable, engaging and meaningful experiences for players everywhere to share.

As of this writing, there’s no sign when we might learn more, either. We’ll share any new Everwild info once it’s available, though, so stay tuned to GameSkinny.