The Real Housewives of Potomac is the newest entry into the Housewives franchise, and it has been explosive since the beginning. Debuting in 2016, these ladies have been duking it out for a few years, and of course, some favorites have risen among others.

Today, we’re going to be looking at the six cast members of The Real Housewives of Potomac, and ranking them. Without any further ado, let’s get right into the list with a couple of honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions: Katie And Charrisse

Of course, we have to give a mention to Katie and Charrisse, the only former housewives who haven’t appeared in the main cast in the newest season. They’re two of the OGs of the show, so we have to give it up to them. While Charrisse has long been out of the drama, Katie actually returned as a friend this year, and she was no longer a ball and gala girl. Who cares if it was her legacy and her calling? She came back as a much more loose and carefree person, calling people stupid with absolutely zero remorse. Powerful. However, some controversy in her personal life led Bravo not asking her to come to the reunion.

Ashley Darby

It was a hard choice to put Ashley at the bottom of this list. It really was. On her own, Ashley seems like a great person. She’s kind and considerate. She cares about her friends, she wants the best for everyone. She genuinely just seems like a nice person to be around. Unfortunately, she is tied to her husband, Michael Darby, who has been accused of multiple counts of sexual assault in this newest season.

While the charges were dropped, there is circumstantial evidence everywhere in this case. This is what places Ashley at the bottom of the list. If she and Michael weren’t together, this might be a different story. With a new allegation of cheating being exposed recently, maybe she’ll finally choose to break things off with the problematic man. We won’t be mentioning Michael again on the list, but just know that literally everybody had something to say about the case, and it was a huge portion of the season’s storylines.

Karen Huger

Karen Huger has calmed down a lot, thankfully. Remember season one, where there was like a massive argument about… a chair or something? Who even knows? Anyway, Karen’s really backed off of the etiquette train, and had more of a lowkey season this year. While she and Gizelle had some problems… wait… no nevermind, she basically had problems with everyone this year, so nothing new there. She ended off the season with the release of her La’ Dame fragrance, and fought her way through the rest of the season with ease. Karen just didn’t have any super compelling storylines this year, which is why she places so low on the list.

Candiace Dillard

Candiace is a whole lot. Of it all. Of everything. Anything that involves itself with her becomes an immediate production.  Season four was a big one for Candiace. She had her wedding, threatened Ashley with a butter knife and is now paying her own mortgage on her co-owned (with her mother) house. You know, the three things you must do to truly become an adult. Candiace had some great moments this season, and surprisingly, most of the drama that she had actually came from her mother. While there was a small Monique argument and the aforementioned butter knife, most of her storylines revolved around her tumultuous relationship with her mother. Who doesn’t love the chance to watch a very private therapy session between two family members?

Monique Samuels

As a housewife, your job is never done, even with a baby on the way. While Monique was certainly less of a prominent figure in the center of the drama this season, she was certainly still present. Her ongoing issues with Gizelle cropped up again from a completely unprompted attack from Gizelle, and she had a small issue with Candiace.

Overall though, she spent most of her time on the season making us laugh during her confessionals. Monique deserved a season off, the amount of stress this show usually causes is enough to induce any labor. Either way, she’s always a great part of the cast that provides us with endless entertainment.

Robyn Dixon

Robyn Dixon is never a boring part of any season of The Real Housewives of Potomac. The big focus for Robyn this season was the process of her flipping a new property, which she manages to do successfully, even if Gizelle scared out a potential buyer. Other than that, Robyn’s season was filled with showing up late to events that she either planned or was invited to, fighting and Juan. She and Juan got tattoos where wedding bands would be but also weren’t noticeable unless you were looking for them… yay commitment? Robyn had a pretty eventful season, and was a joy to watch, as always.

Gizelle Bryant

Of course, it wouldn’t be a season of the Potomac Housewives without Gizelle. While she certainly can be a bit of a pot-stirrer, Gizelle is always a blast to watch on the show. Her confessionals are some of the most enjoyable out of the entire Housewives franchise, and always bring tons of laughs with them. While she had some problems with Monique this season (obviously), she also attempted to aid her friendship with Karen to absolutely no avail. Other than that, Gizelle spent most of her time involved in her castmates’ drama. While she wasn’t necessarily trying to stir the pot… she wasn’t defusing any situations in the slightest. When Gizelle is around, you’re never going to get a boring season of the show. She never fails to bring the drama, the laughs and the storylines, the main three ingredients in any Housewives show. Because of this, she manages to take the number one spot atop the list, as she obviously should.