The Circle has been one of Netflix’s most successful endeavors in the world of Reality TV. outside the huge following of QUeer EYe, this might have been the biggest hit yet. The change in release schedule also added to the suspense in each episode.

While most of the success can be attributed to the casting and the relatable attitudes of the contestants, you can’t help but love the apartments on this show. Each one is uniquely designed and decorated, and you bet we would live in any one of them if we could. Looking at all ten, here’s how we ranked every apartment on The Circle.


Come on, who doesn’t love Joey? This big hunk might have been written off when he first appeared, but he cemented himself as a fan favorite in a matter of minutes. His exuberant personality might be a bit much sometimes, but it’s is signature brand.

Sadly, his colorful personality didn’t match up with his borning apartment. It is perfectly fine, but compared to most of these rooms, it feels less like a lived-in space and more like a basic hotel room. Someone as loud and fun as Joey deserved an equally exciting apartment.


Miranda showed up later in the show, taking the place of Alana after she was voted off. Miranda’s sweetness sadly didn’t pay off and was eventually voted off. While we would’ve liked to see her continue, one thing we can agree on is that apartment should’ve been put out of its misery.

The space was…fine. Overall it didn’t really have any sort of central theme leaving the space undefined. It is better than Joey’s as it was brighter and a bit more personalized, but everything just felt a little off. The best example of this has to be that awful crow lamp. That set designer needs to be booted from next season for that alone.


Seaburn was one of a few catfish on the show, posing as a fake version of his own girlfriend on the show. Matching his feminine persona was this light and bright pastel apartment. It’s kind of a cute space actually, especially that fun shelf centerpiece above the couch.

The only reason that it falls lower on the list is that it felt a bit empty compared to other spaces on the show. A few more paintings on the wall or some additional fun furniture could’ve gone a long way in this space.


Chris is maybe the most liked on the show, never getting under anyone’s skin and remaining true to himself as always. His bombastic and colorful personality not only came out in his clothing style and mannerisms but his living space as well.

Chris’ apartment was decked out in blue and gold from head to toe. Although it matched his vibrant outlook, Chris had to add a touch of himself with a few personalized portraits. It might not be everyone’s first choice, but it’s perfect for Chris.


Alex was one of the more unique contestants on the show. A fan of two things and two things only, Alex was known for his love of his wife and cats. Oh, he also loved those baggy pants (really, bud?) His apartment was a bit more acceptable style-wise though.

Although it felt a little more cluttered in design, it’s overall aesthetic was cozy and modern. The grandma quilt and farmhouse stars on the wall gave it a bit of a rustic feel but was accented by modern appliances and lighting.

Alana & Bill’s

At one point in the show, it was noted that some of the apartments were shared by multiple contestants. If one left, another could take their space in the vacant apartment. This happened with Alana and Bill, two of the more short-lived contestants on the show.

Their apartment was sort of an American Southwest themed space. It never fell into full cowboy mode though, with enough modern geometric patterns and a lot of greenery. It was a clean and comfortable apartment with a lot of fun character.


Sammie made it really far in The Circle, being one of the four finalists by the finale. Her bubbly personality, openness, and no-nonsense attitude made her a fan favorite for nearly all viewers. Her apartment matched her perfectly.

We really loved the accent wall behind her couch, featuring a geometric white wood design. But all the furniture had a lot of fun bright colors, but never interrupted the clean bright look of the space. It fit Sammie and her personality just right!


Shubham was the antithesis to the whole show. As he said, he thinks that social media is the modern-day bubonic plague. Although he might not have seemed like a good fit for the show, he surprised fans by making it all the way to the end.

Shubham’s nerdy personality also didn’t really fit his suave green-themed apartment. With gold accents and fern wallpaper, the space felt like it might have fit better for someone like Joey. But, Shubham made it his own for sure.

Karyn, Ed, & Tammy’s

Another shared apartment, this space was first lived in by Karyn, and later by the mother-son duo Ed and Tammy. With as many people living in it, this room had to appeal to a wide demographic. It certainly succeeded and is one of the best-decordaed spaces on the show.

The brick accent wall give the space a fun urban feel, supported by the manhattan frame photos and industrial lighting. The dark stained wood cabinets and rose gold accents make the space warm but sleek feelings as well. It is modern, homey, and stylish.

Antonio & Sean’s

The perfect style blend of all the other spaces, this apartment was lived in by both Antonio and Sean. Like the previous room, this apartment had a sleek industrial kind of theme, especially with the wood walls.

But it accented the rougher theming with some fun bright colored decor and furniture. It was a great modern space that hosted two very different contestants. If we were to live in any of the spaces on the show, this one would make us feel the most at home.